
free coffee!

Ha! I've found a way around this whole anti-consumer Lenten resolution thing. Oh, did I mention that I did after all sign up for the non-consumption pledge at my church. Well, no worries, because tomorrow from 10am-noon, Starbucks is giving away a free cup of coffee to all who enter. I realize that I've already admitted defeat in this area being that my ever-lengthening list of essentials already includes coffee, but man does this help put my conscience at ease! All this time I've been avoiding the great green consumer whore and then she goes and does something like this, so benevolent, so beautiful, so inviting...

How does she do it? Selling herself in mass commodity to any suspecting caffeine-crazed consumer who will dish out 3 dollars for a taste of her sweetness, and yet she continues to win my affections... my addiction. I feel so used. Will I ever break free from her twisted embrace? We have this codependency thing going, you see. Believe me, I've tried to end it, but I can't seem to figure out who I am without her. And even if I do find the courage to leave her, what will I do with REI? I mean, I can't not use my dividend.


S'dizzle said...

haha, does Jenni know how deeply involved you are? You should give folgers a try.

Anonymous said...

I feel like it is ok to have a few things that you love and go after - if that is coffee for you - go after it.

Have fun in Europe -