
carbon negative

I watched an inconvenient truth tonight and I think I want to become carbon neutral. I haven't much thought of myself of a carbon dioxide producer. I mean I breathe, which I suppose produces CO2, but I don't cut down rain forests in my spare time or anything. Nonetheless, this movie was a good reminder of the fact that I am a consumer. As a consumer, I consume energy and yet, my western mindset doesn't always connect the dots between my action and its global impact, especially when multiplied by 6.5 billion people. The United States consumes somewhere around 40% of the world's natural resources and creates over 30% of the world's carbon emissions. That's a big deal, with big consequences.

I read an article in Outside magazine about how the island of Samso off the coast of Denmark has become carbon negative, meaning that they not only zero out their carbon emissions, but actually export more energy that they consume. Why can't we do that? We could plead ignorance, but think it might have more to do with the fact that right now, we just don't care. But we have to care, or at least I do. Ghandi said, "Be the change that you want to see in the world." So I guess I'll start with me. I am going to ride the bus or my bike anywhere an everywhere that I can. I am going to tell people about the beautiful wind towers that span the horizon in Kulm, North Dakota where my wife's family farms. I am going to recycle. I am going to change the light bulbs in our home and support green energy (like district energy here in St. Paul) even if it costs me more in the near future, because ultimately, destroying the earth will cost us all much more in the long run. Beyond that, I am going to continue to believe that God created this earth for us care for it, not to abuse it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Didn't you think that the movie was more about Al Gore than Global warming. after 10 minutes, I was like I get it. Now tell me what I can do to help. And tell me what I can do to make him quit talking about himself.